What is a Lady of Leisure?
What is a Lady of Leisure (L.O.L) you ask?
A L.O.L. is a concept, a mindset, a movement. Often, as females, we work long hours and spend so much time doing for others that we forget to treat ourselves.
Being a L.O.L. is not meant for everyday; it is not a lifestyle...nor will it catapult you onto the next episode of "The Real Housewives of....wherever". However, if you have the time, money, and good fortune to L.O.L. everyday...then...god bless. To L.O.L. is to buy into the concept that once a year, once a month, or dare we say it, once a week (EEK!), us ladies take some much needed time for ourselves.
Taking time can include, but is not limited to, the following:
- taking an extra long bath (with bubbles...and wine)
- giving yourself a mani/pedi (with friends...and wine)
- giving yourself a facial (with friends...and wine)
- reading a book (with a extra large latte, all the whip cream, and a biscotti....or a glass of wine)
- taking a moment to explore this blog, and BOOKING YOURSELF A DARN SPA DAY! (always explore the blog with your finest glass of wine...or cheapest...we don't judge here).
So if you have some benefits to spend or just need a quick place to get a mani/pedi...then this blog is for you. We are working overtime and putting all our efforts into finding out what the GTA has to offer...trust us...we don't mind. Grab your girls, grab some wine, and get booking!
Your Ladies of Leisure,
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